⭐️ glowing reviews

  • “We contracted Jac to do our intro/outro music for our podcast a few years ago. We love it and get compliments on it all the time.

    After the formation of Neon Siren, she contacted us and offered podcast editing services. We weren’t really sure we needed it until we heard the before and after. WOW! Sounds so much better AND saves us so much time. Worth every penny. Highly recommend!”

  • I've had the privilege of collaborating with Jac and Neon Siren Studios on several of my films since early 2016. Without fail, every time her work is out of this world. I had Jac work her magic on my Made You Look Media critically acclaimed short film The Cold Season (which won several awards internationally for the score), and with every listen I still notice new details.

    Her meticulously woven soundscapes transport you into visuals in a new way. The only way I can describe it is that before scoring, my film was monochrome, and after, in brilliant technicolor. As long as I'm making films, I plan on working with Jac. Can't recommend her enough! If you're looking for a soundtrack that'll elevate your work to another level, look no further! I promise you won't be sorry 😊

  • Jac Boothe/Neon Siren Studios and I started working together in May 2021. I am a singer/songwriter, and I had a song that was a simple acoustic piece: vocals & guitar only. I wanted a more produced version – a more filled-out sound. Jac took on the project immediately, loving the song as much as I did.

    Jac grabbed my tune and made it a beautiful piece of art. I came to her with a stripped-down version and, while the song was nice in that singer/songwriter style, Jac’s vision made it take flight and soar to heights I didn’t think were possible. The first time I heard the scratch mix, I got goosebumps. “Yes!”, I thought “THIS is what I was looking for in this song!” From the “woahs” in the beginning, to the ascending chorus, I KNEW she “got” me and the song.

    Working with Jac was the real deal. She was incredibly professional and organized. She took the project seriously. We were recording across state lines, which could have been a disaster, but through phone calls, texts, emails and zoom meetings, she made it work. I know she had other projects she was working at the same time, but she treated my project like it was the ONLY one she was working on at the time. She was incredibly accommodating; answering all my questions in a timely manner, setting up a web portal to streamline all mixes of my recordings along with full details on each mix. She always gave me the option of making changes on the project. In addition, she was just plain nice.

    I highly recommend Jac Boothe/Neon Siren Studios for your project. You will not be disappointed. I can’t sing her praises enough and I can’t wait to work with her again!

  • “Working with Jac is an absolute delight! Her communication skills and work ethic are top-notch, exceeded only by her brilliant musical abilities. Collaborating with Jac on dozens of songs, I have to say she wowed every time, fine-tuning the melodies I sent her and adding richness and magic with the instrumental arrangements. She will be the first composer I turn to for any future projects!”

  • “Jac was so gracious when I came to her about my song even though she was in the middle of some amazing opportunities herself. She worked so hard on the track and gave me regular updates about where she was at. I was able to give direction and share my ideas on where I wanted the song to go and she listened to everything.

    I will definitely be using neon siren studios for my next song. The quality of production is surreal and the client support just tops it all off.”

  • I had the pleasure of working with Jac from Neon Siren Studios. I had reached out to her while working on a short film of mine called “Your Vomit.” It was one of the smoothest experiences I’ve had with a composer, particularly considering we were working together from a distance.

    The professional communication throughout preproduction allowed us to clearly share ideas and develop the sounds of the film. Then when it came to production I already had pieces of the composition in my head to marry the visuals.

    Once in postproduction, we refined things and Jac beautifully helped bring my image to life, cementing the short film as a whole. I’d highly recommend working with Jac, especially if you’re an upcoming filmmaker looking to blend your style with the magic of original music.